Hello Dear One, Can you believe 2019 is coming to a close? I’ve been reflecting on the evolution of my medical practice over the past decade, and want to take […]
Meet Dr. Libert & Team at our Open House 9/13/19 in Asheville, NC
Join Cynthia Libert, M.D. and the Caring for the Body, PLLC team for an open house on Friday, September 13, 2019 to learn about our Functional Medicine approach to chronic […]
Joy Prescription #7: Cultivate a Healthy Microbiome
Hello Dear One, it turns out that your mother was right, you are what you eat! Your diet and lifestyle affects the composition of your intestinal microbiome (i.e. the 2-5 […]
My Journey as a Physician & Mother
Hello Dear One, Today I am taking what feels like a big risk to tell you my story. It’s scary to be vulnerable and transparent when society programs us to […]
3 Principles for a Happy, Healthy Brain
Hello Dear One, are you suffering with brain fog, chronic fatigue, panic attacks, overwhelming stress, anxiety or depression? You are not alone. Check out these statistics reported by the National […]
Joy Prescription #6 – Wisdom for Tough Decisions
Hello Dear One, Are you struggling with a difficult decision today? What strategies are you using to make the best decision possible, one that serves the highest good for all […]
7 Tips for Minimizing Stress Over the Holidays
Hello dear ones, it’s especially easy to fall victim to the myth of the perfect woman during the holidays…baking cookies, finding a special gift for everyone in your life, hosting […]
Joy Prescription #5: Tame Your Brain ANTs
Hello dear one, In a previous post, I wrote about 10 reversible causes of anxiety and depression and introduced the concept of cognitive distortions, a.k.a. stinkin’ thinkin’ or brain ANTS = […]
Joy Prescription #4 – Optimize Nutrition
As the old saying goes, “we are what we eat!” Our biology demands the proper raw materials to function optimally—the right balance of quality protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. […]
Joy Prescription #3 – Do a HEART check
Hello dear ones, today’s Joy Prescription is inspired by two of the great teachers in my life. I recently spent a beautiful day with my dear friend and fellow integrative […]