Hello Friend,
I am excited to announce the launch of my monthly webinar series for Q & A on various Functional Medicine topics.
My goal is to help you achieve vibrant health, age gracefully and minimize your risk for chronic degenerative diseases.
Unlike the conventional medical model, where the patient typically assumes a passive role, the Functional Medicine paradigm requires a high level of awareness, education, and commitment to personal growth. The key to fully implementing a Functional Medicine treatment plan is your ability to successfully make lifestyle changes.
I want you to reach your health goals, and I invite you to become a member of my practice. Let’s work together to create the health you desire!
I invite you to join me for the first live session on 2/5/2020 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am EST. If you aren’t available at that time, no worries! All sessions are recorded and archived for on-demand viewing.
Here are the details:
This is a unique opportunity to address your health questions in a confidential manner AND benefit from hearing the responses to others’ questions. You can ask questions live, via an on-line private chat box. If you’d prefer, you can submit your questions ahead of time via the patient portal or e-mail to help@caringforthebody.org.
The webinars include approximately 45 minutes of teaching, followed by 45 minutes of live questions and answers.
I invite you to join me for the first live session on 2/5/2020 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am EST.
The monthly webinars are held on-line so you can attend from the comfort of your own home. The sessions are scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month from 10:00 am – 11:30 am EST, and are recorded and archived for on-demand viewing.
I’m not a patient. Am I able to join?
Please note, Caring for the Body membership is open to established patients only. Once you reserve your first appointment and complete the new patient paperwork, you will be eligible to join us in the monthly live webinars.
What’s the investment?
$150 annual membership – includes monthly webinars + many additional benefits. You can learn more about the other benefits of Caring for the Body Membership here.
How do I join?
If you have questions or are ready to join, call the office at (828)490-1545 or e-mail Jan Vidmar, Patient Care Coordinator at help@caringforthebody.org.
I look forward to connecting with you!
Warm regards,
Cynthia Libert, M.D.