Cynthia Libert, M.D. - Caring for the Body
Integrative Physician
What?: Live webinar led by Functional Medicine physician, Cynthia Libert, M.D. entitled: “Create Your Own Joy Prescription: Biblical Wisdom & Lifestyle Medicine to Transform Stress, Anxiety and Depression”
Here’s what we’ll cover:
When?: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 from 10 am to 11:30 am. The live webinar will be archived in the Joy Prescription membership site for those who are unable to tune into the live session.
How do I enroll?: We don’t heal in isolation. You’re invited to join us in the Joy Prescription Community to access this webinar and future Joy Prescription webinars. I’ve condensed decades of medical education, clinical experience and personal/spiritual growth into a unique, on-line educational platform to help people uncover the reversible drivers of depression, anxiety, overwhelm, fatigue and brain fog. Learn about a new paradigm in mental health care, and how to create your own Joy Prescription, including a healthy lifestyle blueprint. Click here to learn more.