
$1257.00 | Transform Stress, Anxiety, Depression & Overwhelm and Start Living the Life You’ve Imagined…

Are you coming home from work tense and anxious just to walk in the door to the havoc that is the kids, laundry, the dog needing a walk, dinner needing to be cooked and homework isn’t finished? Is it so frustrating that you can feel your blood just boil?

Many experience this same phenomenon and are thinking the same thing…been there, done that!

Have you spent hours researching why anxiety feels so difficult to control? Have you spent countless dollars on over-the-counter remedies to no avail?

Have you even seen your family doctor and been given the clean bill of health per your annual physical exam with blood work and the whole nine yards?

If anxiety, depression, overwhelm, chronic fatigue, insomnia, or caregiver support is taking its toll on your life, be reassured that it is possible to have peace, calm and joy once again!

The SOS – Stress Recovery Lifestyle Medicine Program includes 12 on-demand educational video sessions to support and guide you as you implement your lifestyle medicine program. You will be introduced to natural approaches to building stress resilience and creating vibrant health.

These are the topics for the video sessions taught by Dr. Libert:

Take charge of the mood swings, overwhelm and anxiety –  enroll in the SOS – Stress Recovery Lifestyle Medicine Program.